Direct Roving Hybon 2026
E Glass Fiber
In case of 20 kg net
Nippon Electric Glass Co., Ltd.
Product Overview
General Name
E Glass Fiber
Product / Grade Name
Direct Roving Hybon 2026
Maker Name
Nippon Electric Glass Co., Ltd.
- Functional Materials > High Mechanical Properties
- Good Abrasion Resistance.
End Use(s)
- Plastics > E-Glass Fiber – Direct Roving
- Polyester, Vinyl Ester and Epoxy Resins
- High Composite Mechanical Properties Multi-Compatible with Polyester, Vinyl Ester and Epoxy Resins. Rapid, Complete and Consistent Wet Out and Saturation. Good Abrasion Resistance.
Hazard Classification
UN Number
:IMGD Class
:Packing Group
HS Code