Produced by Kishida Chemical Co., Ltd.
25 g net
500 g net
Cobalt Powder 99%
Produced by Showa Chemical Co., Ltd.
Cobalt Powder 99.8% 2mm
Cobalt Shot 99.5%
Cobalt Sponge 99.99%
3N Cobalt Chips 10*10*1
Produced by Kojundo Chemical Laboratory Co., Ltd.
In plastic bag of 50 g net
Cobalt 2Nup Fine Powder ca.5mm
In plastic bottle of 10 g net
Cobalt 2Nup Grains ca.φ1*5
In plastic bag of 5 g net
Cobalt 2Nup Wire φ1
In plastic can of 20 g net
Cobalt 3N Chips 5*5*1
In plastic bottle of 1 kg net
Cobalt 3N Lumps ca.30*40*10
In plastic can of 1.5 kg net
Cobalt 3N Sheet 100*300*1
In carton box of 100 g net
Cobalt 3N Sheet 100*300*2
In plastic bag of 426 g net
Cobalt 3N Tablets φ10*5
In plastic bag of 1 kg net
Cobalt 3N Tablets φ20*5
In plastic can of 100 g net
Cobalt 4N7 Target
In pail can of 100 g net
Cobalt Catalyst Powdered Sponge R-400
Produced by Nikko Rica Corporation
Cobalt Catalyst Powdered Sponge R-400K
Cobalt Catalyst Powdered Sponge R-457
Copper Catalyst Powdered Sponge R-300C
Sodium Alginate
Produced by Kimika Corporation
HRSC High Strength and High Conductivity Heat-resistant Copper Alloy
Copper, Cobalt, Phosphorus, Tin, Nickel
Produced by Mitsubishi Materials Corporation
1–23 of 23 results