N-[(1S,2S)-1,2-Diphenyl-2-(2-(4-Methylbenzyloxy)Ethylamino)-Ethyl]-4-Methylbenzene Sulfonamide(Chloro)Ruthenium(II) (S,S)-Ts-DENEB
0.2 g net
Tokyo Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.
Product Overview
General Name
N-[(1S,2S)-1,2-Diphenyl-2-(2-(4-Methylbenzyloxy)Ethylamino)-Ethyl]-4-Methylbenzene Sulfonamide(Chloro)Ruthenium(II) (S,S)-Ts-DENEB
Product / Grade Name
Maker Name
Tokyo Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.
End Use(s)
- Asymmetric Transfer Hydrogenation of Ketones
- Reduce Carbonyl Groups Selectively
- High Pressure Equipment is Unnecessary by Using Formic Acid and IPA as a Hydrogen Source
Yellow Powder
Hazard Classification
UN Number
:IMGD Class
:Packing Group
HS Code